About Business Casual Nerd(s)

Just a group of guys (and now a girl) that have been forced to grow up, but aren’t always happy about it.

We are some busy people, as most of you are, and can’t always find the time to do all the things we want to do.  Work, family, sleeping, and that annoying aspect of life called aging is always working against us.  However, we are who we are and can’t give up our favorite things, even if we’re stuck in a business casual world.  We may no longer be able to play every video game released, go to every concert in town, or watch every TV show released.  But we strive to find awesome stuff and great content within constraints of the real world, all while sharing it with you.  We hope you enjoy the site and find something new and interesting to you.



Brad likes long walks through a city, puppies, and slicing through the Horde with a chainsaw bayonet.



Chris likes Star Wars, photography, his family (wife, 2 little boys, and a crazy dog), and the Foo Fighters.



MC likes being a dork, Zelda (blue tunic, green tunic - who give a shit - it’s Zelda!), and belting out lyrics like a one-woman southern church choir.